Unconditional Energy Healing: The effortless self-healing method

Brett Elliott

David Bateman Ltd


Date Published:
11 July 2022





Taranaki-born Brett Elliott began his journey into natural medicine in the early 1990s when his own health began to deteriorate. He’d spent 10 years in hard manual work which resulted in severe spinal injuries requiring major surgery. Reluctant to go down the surgery route, Brett’s search for alternative options led him to herbal medicine, which quickly became his life’s work.

After studying herbal medicine and the healing arts, Elliott is now a respected medical herbalist and energy healer with over 25 years of clinical practice. He has helped more than 120,000 people from over 45 countries with a healing programme he personally developed.

In his new book Unconditional Energy Healing, Elliott has combined his understanding of physics, the universe and human biology into a simple healing method that anyone can learn and apply to themselves.

Elliott says: “There is a pattern I have been seeing since just after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in 2020. We have over-complicated our lives, and this is ruining our health. We don’t have time to eat properly, to mediate, or to properly look after those we love. All we need to do is tune in, accept - and allow the healing energy to flow. It’s the pure simplicity of my method that makes it so unique.”

In Unconditional Energy Healing, Elliott clearly outlines the basic rules and principles to his method. Each chapter adds another layer of insight and provides further argument for why his effortless self-healing technique is life changing. Incorporating commonly accepted laws of physics and real-life examples, Elliott helps readers to unlock their deepest healing power, so anyone at all can learn how to heal themselves and others too.

Elliott has helped people with acid reflux and indigestion problems, high blood pressure, candida albicans, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, and bloating, crohn’s disease, type-2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, fertility issues, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal parasites and psoriasis.

In his book Elliott shares his own personal journey and covers meditation, detoxing and fasting, and practical advice on how to become directly attuned to a universal energy source of unparalleled potential, ultimately bringing an inner peace and happiness and optimum health.

About the Author

Brett Elliott has studied human anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and biophysics at Auckland University of Technology. He also has a Diploma in Herbal Studies and a Diploma in Herbal Medicine from the Waikato Centre for Herbal Medicine. He has operated his own retail health stores for eight years and built a pharmaceutical-grade manufacturing facility. He is the President of the New Zealand Association of Medical Herbalists and tours New Zealand regularly visiting expos and speaking at events. He currently operates a private practice in Tauranga. Brett’s first book Cleansed and Cured was published in 2018.


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