This Changes Everything: The Honest Guide to Menopause and Perimenopause
by Niki Bezzant
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The must-have guide to perimenopause and menopause for every woman- What's happening, what you can do, and what really works. 'This book covers everything. No snake oil, no sugar-coating and, above all, a celebration of the greatest change a woman will go through after puberty. Wish I'd read it at 30, 40 and 50.' Robyn Malcolm In this engaging, easy-to-read book, expert health writer Niki Bezzant shares the latest specialist research and advice along with personal stories from real women to answer the most important questions women have about the hottest of topics. From bodies to mental health, alcohol to our stressful working lives, fertility to relationships, natural remedies to HRT, she dispels the myths and confusion around menopause - with a healthy side-serve of calling out sexism, snake-oil and bullsh*t along the way - and explains how to get the best help, for you. This is a must-have guide to menopause and beyond - the symptoms, the solutions and the stuff that really works. Includes- when menopause happens early - HRT, MHT and other treatments - periods - hot flushes, night sweats and heart palpitations - weight gain and body changes - migraines - mood changes, anxiety and depression - gut issues - sex, libido and relationships - sleep and insomnia - alcohol - exercise, nutrition and healthy eating - menopause in the workplace - and much more. 'Like striking gold. Enlightening, enriching, empowering. An essential book for a life-changing time.' Sarah Connor, Menopause Over Martinis 'Ever wondered what the f*ck was going on and what was going to happen next? It's all in here. The answers to the questions you have about the thing we're not supposed to talk about. Real stories, expert advice and a celebration of something that turns out to be so natural and normal that the other half of the human race is going to want to experience menopause, too.' Mich le A'Court, writer and comedian 'This book gives you the knowledge and power to make the right decisions for you. A must-read for any woman over the age of 35.' Dr. Megan Ogilvie, reproductive endocrinologist
About the Author
Niki Bezzant is a multi-award-winning New Zealand writer, journalist, editor and commentator who has built a reputation for translating complex health and science jargon into easy-to-understand information for everyone over more than 20 years. She founded and edited Cuisine online and as founding editor, took Healthy Food Guide magazine from indie start-up to New Zealand's top-selling food magazine, a position it held for over a decade. Formerly the editor of Thrive magazine, she is a frequent contributor to New Zealand's top print, online and broadcast media including the NZ Listener, RNZ, Good magazine and Newstalk ZB. A trusted advocate and sought-after speaker on menopause/perimenopause and midlife health for women, Niki is passionate about women's health, especially empowering midlife women to become 'vibrant, kick-ass old ladies'. Her first, and bestselling, menopause guide This Changes Everything was published by Penguin Random House in 2022.