Pounamu Pounamu
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Over 50 years in print! Pounamu Pounamu is classic Ihimaera and also classic New Zealand literature. First published in 1972, it was his first book, which as he says in his new introduction 'fulfilled a childhood vow- to write about Maori using his own self and home place'. The vivid stories in this collection not only explore but also celebrate what it is to be a New Zealander, and they do so from a lively Maori perspective. The seeds of Ihimaera's later works were first sown in this ground-breaking collection- The Whale Rider in his story 'The Whale'; The Rope of Man in 'Tangi'; and the character of Simeon from Bulibasha, King of the Gypsies in 'One Summer Morning'. The book also covers the themes of aroha (love), whanaungatanga (kinship) and manaakitanga (supporting each other), which are so integral to Ihimaera's work.
About the Author
Witi Ihimaera was the first Maori to publish both a book of short stories and a novel, and has published many notable novels, collections of short stories and in 2020 published his substantial nonfiction work, Navigating the Stars. Described by Metro magazine as 'Part oracle, part memoralist,' and 'an inspired voice, weaving many stories together', Ihimaera has also written for stage and screen - including libretti - edited books on the arts and culture, as well as published various works for children. His best-known novel is The Whale Rider, which was made into a hugely, internationally successful film in 2002. His novel Nights in the Garden of Spain was also made into a feature film, and was distributed internationally under the name of Kawa. The feature film White Lies was based on his novella Medicine Woman. And his novel Bulibasha, King of the Gypsies inspired the 2016 feature film Mahana. His first book, Pounamu, Pounamu, has not been out of print since its first publication in 1972. His works have received many awards over the years, such as the Wattie Book of the Year Award and the Montana Book Award, and most recently the Ockham Award for best non-fiction in 2016 for his first volume of memoir, Maori Boy. The second volume, Native Son, was published in 2019, the same year Purakau was released, which he co-edited- editing volumes celebrating the work of other writers has also been an important part of Witi's focus. He has also had careers in diplomacy, teaching, theatre, opera, film and television. He has received numerous awards for his contribution to literature, including the inaugural Star of Oceania Award, University of Hawaii, a laureate award from the New Zealand Arts Foundation 2009, the Toi Maori Maui Tiketike Award 2011, and the Premio Ostana International Award, presented to him in Italy 2010. In 2004 he became a Distinguished Companion of the Order of New Zealand, in 2017 France made him Chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres and the same year he received the NZ Prime Minister's Awards for Literary Achievement. Receiving the Maori arts award Te Tohutiketike a Te Waka Toi, Ihimaera said, 'To be given Maoridom's highest cultural award, well, it's recognition of the iwi. Without them, I would have nothing to write about and there would be no Ihimaera. So this award is for all those ancestors who have made us all the people we are. It is also for the generations to come, to show them that even when you aren't looking, destiny has a job for you to do.'