34 Short Stories: The Dan Davin Winners
by Dan Davin Literary Foundation
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34 Short Stories is a vibrant assortment of tales from the imaginations of both established authors and emerging writers. Beginning in 1995, the Dan Davin Literary Award was launched as a competition for senior high-school students but grew to include junior student and adult sections. The award is now open to all Southland writers bold enough to take up the challenge. Within these pages, the past winners are presented for the first time in one commemorative book, a tribute to Southland’s great storyteller, Dan Davin (1913 – 1990). Kauia Asher, Alex Bailey, Tami Beckingsdale, Jonathan Boon, Della Bowman, Hayley Bowman, Claire Buckingham, Mouse Diver-Dudfield, Maddy Doherty, David Dudfield, James Eunson, Louise Evans, Karen Fox, David Griffin, Christina Grove, Robbie Grove, David Hinkley, Sara Jamieson, Wes Lee, Hannah Lobb, Gareth Lyness, Ruari Macfarlane, Autumn Marshall, Mitchell Mawhinney, Alice Mcdowell, Marion Mclean, Connie Moir, Rachel Pennicott, Pooja Pillay, Patricia Soper, Elizabeth Thomas, Laura Turner, Ciccone Tweedie and Amber Watson.