Ngā Ripo Wai | Swirling Waters: A Kerikeri Anthology: 2021
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Kororipo Pā faces Stone Store / across an inlet fringed with northern trees / history looks different here … This multi-genre anthology in te reo Māori and English explores the uneven terrain of Kerikeri and its history, from the pā to the store, from the warrior to the gardener, from the chainmail coat to the black singlet to the Māori Battalion tie-pin, from the orchards to the river banks, from the airport to the Old Packhouse Market and the galleries. Here is a beautiful, undulating landscape of poems, ultra-short stories, interviews and histories from writers with a Kerikeri connection, including Glenn Colquhoun, Fiona Kidman, Piet Nieuwland, Vivienne Plumb, Vaughan Rapatahana, Briar Wood and others. Here are fascinating strata of love and loss, community and tensions, nature and settlement. Here are the floods, the mountains, the dusty roads, the turbulent waters of the basin, the views from near and far. Here is Kerikeri, New Zealand’s longest continually occupied joint Māori–European settlement.
About the Author
Kathy Derrick (editor), co-founder of Pavlova Press, writes flash fiction and novels. She is striving to change the narrative around how authors produce, publish and are recognised for their work. Jac Jenkins (editor), co-founder of Pavlova Press, wandered many a winding road before returning to her home ground of Northland. She and her partner, Alistair Tulett, now farm in the Hokianga, where she has learned how to fix fences and perhaps how to stay. Wherever she goes, she writes. Kipa Munro: Tū mai tāku Maunga ko Matakā / Tiro kau ana ki te Moana o Te Tii Mangonui / Tērā e tū mai rā ko te Whare Tūpuna / Ko Te Rangatiratanga / Ko te Marae e takoto nei ko Whitiora / Ko te Waka ko Maatatua / Ko te Rangatira ō runga ko Puhi Moana Aariki / Ko Wiremu Kipa Munro ahau.