The Lucky Little Pig
by Stacey Smith
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As Cyclone Gabrielle crashed and thundered its way through the Hawke's Bay night sky, Pig is curled up safe and warm in her pen. That morning, while inspecting the damage, Pig noticed the puddles had grown and water was everywhere. Farmer Ray called out to Pig to follow him out of the flooded paddock and back to the house where he helped her up onto a ledge in the garage. But safety was short-lived for Pig as she soon found herself surrounded by water again. Taking a deep breath, Pig took a courageous leap of faith into the water and swam outside.The story follows Pig as she navigates her way through the harsh impacts of the flood, with bravery and hope leading her thinking. Woven through Pigs' journey are coping mechanisms that the reader, with the help of their parent or caregiver, can replicate when life is getting hard. At the back of the book are simple ways parents or caregivers can support their child when faced with trauma. Skillfully illustrated, Pigs story is beautifully brought to life with inspiration from the people and places Pig encountered, turning what could be a story of loss into one of determination and hope.
About the Author
Stacey Smith is a mum of three young children, who along with her husband and brother, escaped the flood waters by getting onto their shed roof. Having worked in the social work sector for 14 years Stacey understands the impacts of trauma, and wanted to create a resource that parents could use to help support their own children in learning to cope with tough times. The Lucky Little Pig is also a way to give back to the community. 1000 books will be gifted to children affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and proceeds from the book will go to community organisations that support children's wellbeing.Deborah Hinde is an award-winning illustrator based in rural Waikato. She works full-time as an illustrator and loves bringing children's picture book stories to life. The costs of publishing 'The Lucky Little Pig' has been generously funded by Inner Wheel NZ, Te Kupenga Hauora - Ahuriri, and the Napier and Hastings Mayoral Funds.