by Glen Metcalf
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Metamorphosis is the story of one woman's transformation from a traditional Kiwi housewife of the 1950s into an internationally known scientist. Born in 1926, married at 21 and a mother shortly after, Glen Metcalf's life changed when at age 35 she met Dr Donald Beaven, the founding professor of the Christchurch School of Medicine. It was at his Medical Unit that she metamorphosed into a scientist engaged in biomedical research, developing an interest in hormonal changes in the reproductive cycle of women and presenting her work around the world. A keen walker all her life, retirement saw Glen become a DOC volunteer and environmental campaigner, which included taking a wind-farm objection to the Environment Court. She is a prolific letter writer, to family and the newspapers, and Metamorphosis rings with her keen observations, restless intelligence and passion for living.