Avis and the Call of the Kraken
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Avis’s life is complicated. Humbert the chocolate-eating dragon is getting bigger and more demanding and wants to test his wings, but he’s distracting Avis from her schoolwork. Then on one flight they see a disturbance in the ocean near an oil-drilling rig and the dragon’s tear Avis and Humbert communicate through starts receiving strange signals. The words follow: Stop them. It’s a kraken and she's called Mother. Her offspring are bent on revenge because the drilling rig is wrecking their ocean home, and Mother needs help. A fantasy adventure bristling with Kiwi courage and can-do – both in the face of an environmental disaster and the antics of a chocolate-deprived dragon.
About the Author
Heather McQuillan used to be a teacher who wrote. Now she’s a writer who teaches. If she’s not writing in the room at the top of a spiral staircase, Heather can be found at Write On School for Young Writers in Christchurch, where she is a tutor and director. This is her fourth novel for young people. Heather loves being close to the ocean and hearing the waves but, on a still night, she is often disturbed by the thrumm thrumm thrumm of ships waiting outside the harbour.