Te Hauhake a Nanny Mihi | Nanny Mihi's Harvest
Reviewed by Nā Nuku, nā Niko, nā Aidan i arotake
Nā Melanie Drewery
Nā Nuku, nā Niko, nā Aidan i arotake
He pai ki a mātou tēnei pukapuka nā te pai o te whakatakoto o ngā kupu, me ngā pikitia o te pukapuka.
Ko te tino kiripuaki, ki ō mātau whakaaro, ko Nanny, nā te hātakēhi o āna kōrero.
Ko te wāhanga o te pukapuka i āhua uaua ki te pānui, ki ō mātau whakaaro, ko ngā wāhanga o te tau, nā te mea he rerekē ngā kupu whakaahua ki ia kaupeka o te tau.
Mēnā i huri ngā wāhanga heihei, ki ngā wāhanga o te tau, ki ō mātau whakaaro, ka pai ake te pukapuka.
Mā ngā tēina me ngā pīpī paopao te pukapuka nei, nā te mea he nui ngā akoranga.

Ngā mihi ki a Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School
E whakahahaki ana mātou i ētahi o ngā pukapuka, he hou, he mīharo anō hoki. He pukapuka ēnei mā ngā kaipānui tamariki kua tuhia ki te reo Māori. Ko wai atu hei whakatakoto i ō rātou whakaaro, i tua atu i ngā kaipānui tamariki? Kua tuku mai ngā ākonga o te Manga Rumaki Reo o Te Kura o Te Uru Karaka i ā rātou arotake mō ngā pukapuka hou e whitu. Pānuitia mai
Young reader review: 'our favourite character is Nanny because she says a lot of funny things...'
Written by Melanie Drewery
Reviewed by Nuku, Niko, and Aidan
We liked this book because of the good layout of the words and the illustrations.
Our favourite character is Nanny because she says a lot of funny things.
The part of the book that we found a bit difficult to read is the sections about the seasons because the descriptive words change with each season.
We think the book would be better if the sections about chickens were changed to sections about the seasons.
This book is for young children because it has many lessons.
Thanks to Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School
We’re spotlighting some of the new and awesome books for young readers published in te reo Māori. And who better to give their opinions than young readers themselves! The students from Te Uru Karaka Newton Central School’s Māori Language Immersion Unit/ Rumaki Reo have filed their reviews on seven new books. Read more